A unique experience...

If you like the sound of gathering your friends and family together for a creative day, then why not book in for a one day jewellery making workshop?

There are a number of different projects your group can choose to make and I will demonstrate the various stages of the making process and give you all the help you need along the way. You are welcome to bring a packed lunch or, alternatively, we recommend The White Post Café for a delicious lunch (booking essential).

Prices :
Pricing will depend on the project your group chooses - starting from £45 per person for a 2.5 hour Sterling Silver Stacking Ring Workshop. Please note: Materials are in addition to the class price, and will depend on the project.  I can provide guide pricing prior to the Private Class.

Contact me :

Feel free to get in touch if you have questions and to arrange suitable dates for your private workshop.

Cancellations :
More than 24 hours prior to the class - full refund
Within 24 hours of the class - zero refund